According to the laws of the Russian Federation must be confirmed that the quality of products. Basic state certification system is the GOST R Certificate of Conformity GOST R certifies that the tested product meets all the requirements.
According to Russian law, to obtain such a permit, a certificate GOST R, organizations have the right in any region of the country. Designed according to the rules of GOST R Certificate of Conformity for the whole of the Russian state.
Mandatory certificate GOST R
Obtaining the certificate is in the certification bodies with the proper accreditation. Registration document in the GOST R certification confirms the quality and safety of products. There is a certain range of products subject to mandatory certification clearance document. This list includes products for children, most types of process equipment, medical products and other products. Said nomenclature extends to and for domestic products and for imported goods.
Voluntary Certificate of Conformity
In addition to the list of products that require compulsory certification, in Russia there is the list of products subject to mandatory adoption of the declaration of conformity GOST R
In addition to the declaration of registration, you can still make a voluntary certificate of conformity GOST R. In general, the procedure of registration certificate for voluntary registration is almost identical binding instrument. The difference there is that if the voluntary procedure the applicant can choose the parameters and characteristics of the products, and the compliance of which will be tested in the certification process.
Availability of voluntary certification can greatly increase the competitiveness of products. However, it is important to understand that this document is not a substitute for a declaration of conformity GOST R, and shall be in addition to it.
Certification schemes
Obtaining the certificate may be on different paths:
on production of commercial products;
on consignment;
under the contract.
At registration certificate for serial production in the document must necessarily reflect the protocol number previously performed sample tests. This scheme is suitable for imported and for domestic products. Period of validity of such a document may vary then 1 to 3 years.
Certificate of Conformity for a lot of products can be obtained without the presence of the test. But the document must indicate the date and invoice number. It is important to realize that under such a scheme, the certificate is valid only for a specific quantity of products. Issued such a certificate GOST R with an open date. Convenient to obtain such a document if the planned import test batch. Many manufacturers use the scheme in confirming that the quality of the equipment.
Certificate of Conformity for a contract should include information on the testing of products (date and number of the minutes). Also in the document a mandatory scheme of registration, name of the recipient and the manufacturer, date and number of the contract. This form of certification is suitable in cases where imports of products is constant and is not limited to the delivery. GOST R certificate issued under this scheme is valid for 1 year. Accordingly, in this period of time the applicant company to import goods listed in the contract without restriction.
Algorithm procedure to obtain a certificate
The procedure for obtaining a certificate in several steps:
definition of the certification document to be plotted;
-test activities and receiving protocol;
filing the necessary documents to the CA;
direct certification by the applicant.
Documents required for registration of the certificate
On a commercially produced imported products:
a document certifying the quality of production;
product description (appearance, scope of use, characteristics);
On mass-produced domestic products:
registration documents;
articles of association (the first 3 pages);
proof of ownership of production facilities or lease;
normative-technical documentation for the product (GOST or TU);
description of the product.
Supplied under contract to imported products:
registration documents;
description of the product;
Articles of Association (the first 3 pages);
contract (copy).
SIA “UberVilla” (Latvia)
TREVI BENNE S.p.A. (Italy)
EFD Induction (Norway)
Electronics Engineering
INDEQ OY LTD (Finland)
Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe (Germany)
Unival SRL (Italy)
Janusfabrikken AS (Norway)
Bossard France
Safic-Alcan Nordic AB (Sweden)
Kramer Electronics Ltd. (Israel)
KALAITZIDIS KON. STYLIANOS – KALKO Electric Appliances (Greece)
Vogl Deckensysteme GmbH (Germany)