Hanna Wisniewska (Lubuskie, 17 june 2016)
Dear Mr./Mrs.
We received from our Russian client letter as follows:
"Because of the entry into force the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union " About safety of machines and equipment " TR CU 010/2011, it’s necessary to confirm the verification of technical regulations and standards bodies to Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology.
Therefore we ask you in the period up to 10 June 2016 to provide certificates of conformity for supplied to Combine Plant Rostselmash, Ltd. production (according to the attached list) or conclusion (exemption letter) from “Russian research Institute of certification” that this product is not subject to technical regulations and obligatory certification."
We would like to deliver for them dieseltanks made from polyethylen in rotationalmoulding technology. Could you please inform as if this product subject to certification? If yes, what is the procedure and the costs?
Hanna Wisniewska
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Takis Spiliopoulos (Athens, 27 may 2014)
I want to ask you, if there is a way not to need certification to export to Russia. My question is if possible for a product, when the quantity to be imported in Russia is less than five thousand pieces per year, not to need certification? My product is packaging for herb drinks, such as tea, chamomile and peppermint.
Thank you in advance
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John Gerrard (Saint-Petersburg, 3 february 2014)
Dear Sirs,
I am a bit confused about if I am asking the same company about certification issues.
Are you the same as www.rostest.com and rostest.ru ?
I look forward to your reply
Thank you
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Bozhena (Minsk, 19 november 2013)
How can a foreign company obtain a CU Conformity certificate for serial production?
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Robin de Bondt (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 11 september 2013)
Dear Mr./Mrs.,
I am looking for an official copy of our certificate:
Plant-Holland certificate for Tronox CR826 Номер свидетельства и дата — RU.Е.011911.04.11 от 26.04.2011 Федеральная Служба Типографский номер бланка — 73239 Продукция — диоксид титана Tronox CR 826 Изготовлена в соответствии с документами — паспорт безопасности Изготовитель (производитель) — \"Tronox Pigments (Holland) B.V.\", Prof. Gerbrandyweg 2, 3197 КК Botlek-Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Нидерланды) Получатель — \"Tronox Pigments (Holland) B.V.\", Prof. Gerbrandyweg 2, 3197 КК Botlek-Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Нидерланды)
But I cannot find the right website or office to request this copy. Can you help me find the correct website or can you provide this service for us and send us an official copy of the certificate (state registration)?
Please let me know what you can do and what the cost are.
Many thanks for your help,
Robin de Bondt
Technical Service Manager Coatings EMEA
Tronox Pigments (Holland) B.V.
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FRONTIERE (FRANCE, 21 june 2013)
We sell sampling probes for the oil and gas sector.
Our products are out of the scope of the directive ATEX/94/9EC but are installed on oil & gas facilities and are under pressure.
We have a GOST-R certificate (voluntary). Do we need the permit to use? A customer talked about the CCTR which replaces the RTN and the GOST.
Could you help me to clarify what is really needed?
Thank you
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Анна (Gliwice, 20 june 2013)
Компания РАДИАТЫМ находится в Польше и производит токоразмыкатели для газовой промышленности. Мы хотим выпустить наши изделия на русский рынок. Какие документы необходимы для получения сертификата, какая цена сертификата?
здесь ссылька на сайт компании РАДИАТЫМ: http://radiatym.com.pl/firma_rus.htm
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Виктория (Украина, Харьков, 29 may 2013)
Добрый день!
Прошу помочь в следующем вопросе.
Наше предприятие планирует осуществление поставки оборудования в РФ.
В комплекте с оборудованием (электроника) идет СД -диск, на котором записаны:
- паспорт на оборудование (ПС)
- руководство по эксплуатации (РЭ)
- руководство по программированию (РП)
-руководство по проектированию (РПП)
- сервисное программное обеспечение (непосредственно нашей разработки) (ПО)
Существуют ли какие то требования относительно импорта в РФ СД-диска с записью вышеперечисленных материалов (документы, пошлины)?
Есть ли особые требовании относительно самого Прогр.Обеспечения личной разработки, также записанного на данный СД-диск (документы, пошлины)?
Какими нормами регулируется данный вопрос?
Какова стоимость ваших услуг?
Благодарю за ответ!
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Avril (Paris, 24 august 2012)
Nous voulons commencez à importer des produits de fromage, dites-moi quels sont les documents que nous devons mettre en œuvre en Russie?
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Elisabeth (Stockholm, 24 august 2012)
Vilka certificat eller standarder enligt GOST måste uppfyllas för en electrisk product om man vill exportera till Ryssland? Produkten innehåller ingen aktiv elektronik (ej EMC-krav), ingen fast strömkälla eller batteri, men faller nart under RoHS direktivet.
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John Stratikis (Trikala, Greece, 24 august 2012)
Dear sir, I would like some info and prices for a declaration of conformity for importation of olive oil from Greece to Russia.
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barakat (10 august 2012)
dear sir , i want to know the time to issue gost certificate
and the price i will export fresh mango from egypt to moscow(noversesk)
to make custom clearence
and i ve office in moscow ooo
with regards
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