Mūsdienu Krievijas tirgū nav viegli sekmīgi veikt uzņēmējdarbību, taču tas ir pilnīgi iespējams. Galvenā panākumu sastāvdaļa ir jūsu produkcijas visaugstākās kvalitātes pierādījumi potenciālajiem patērētājiem. Tādējādi ir izveidojusies samērā spēcīga konkurence gandrīz katrā ražošanas nozarē.
Visās valstīs viena no svarīgākajām procedūrām attiecībā uz lielu skaitu produkcijas un pakalpojumu veidu ir preces atbilstības valsts un starptautiskajiem standartiem novērtēšana. Pirmām kārtām tas ir saistīts ar ražotāju vēlmi parūpēties par patērētāju, turklāt tas ir lielisks produkcijas filtrēšanas veids, lai nepieļautu, ka tirgū nonāk nekvalitatīvi un cilvēka dzīvībai un veselībai bīstami ražojumi. Krievijā šo filtrēšanu nodrošina valsts tiesību akti ar preču un pakalpojumu sertifikācijas iestāžu, kā arī sertifikācijas centru starpniecību.
Sertifikācijas centrā brīvprātīgi vai obligāti iegūts atbilstības sertifikāts vai deklarācija Krievijas GOST R sistēmā ir labākais produkcijas kvalitātes un nekaitīguma pierādījums. Šie dokumenti apliecina, ka produkcija atbilst visām GOST R sistēmā pastāvošajām prasībām un citiem normatīvajiem dokumentiem, kas noteikti katram produkcijas veidam.
Ņemiet vērā, ka šāda atbilstības apstiprināšana ievērojami palielina jūsu preces konkurētspēju tirgū, tāpēc, ja jūsu produkcijai nav nepieciešama obligāta atbilstības apstiprināšana, jūs sertifikācijas centrā «Rostest» varat brīvprātīgi noformēt sertifikātu.
Noformējot sertifikātu brīvprātīgi, jūs varēsit izvēlēties testus, kādi tiks veikti produkcijas paraugiem. «Rostest» speciālisti jums palīdzēs noteikt, kuras preču raksturīgās iezīmes ir jāizceļ, lai palielinātu to konkurētspēju. Ja produkcijai nav nepieciešams obligāts atbilstības apstiprinājums un jūs neplānojat brīvprātīgi noformēt sertifikātu, mēs varam izsniegt jūsu produkcijai atbrīvojuma vēstuli tirdzniecībai.
Sertifikācijas centra «Rostest» speciālisti ir gatavi veikt jebkādus ar sertifikāciju saistītus uzdevumus. Mēs atvieglosim jums produkcijas augstu kvalitāti apliecinošo dokumentu saņemšanu. Turklāt jūs varat bez maksas konsultēties ar mūsu centra speciālistiem par visiem jūs interesējošiem jautājumiem.
Mūsu priekšrocības:
1. Mums ir mūsu pašu akreditēto sertifikācijas struktūras:
2. Mums ir vairāk nekā 15 filiāles visā Krievijā;
3. Ir kvalificēti speciālisti brīvi pārvalda angļu un franču valodā katrā filiālē.
Mūsu klienti
Būsim priecīgi sadarboties!
SIA “UberVilla” (Latvia)
I thank the Мостест company’s staff for the professional work and supporting our products for promotion in the market of the Russian Federation territory. “SIA UberVilla” Director J. LocmelisS.T. S.R.L. UNI PERSONALE (Italy)
Dear Irina!Siamo stati clienti difficili, perch? senza alcuna esperienza, ma solo grazie alla pazienza di Mostest, in particolare della Sig.ra Irina Son, siamo riusciti ad avere un risultato del tutto positivo.Cordialit?, gentilezza, modi molto corretti e grandissima pazienza caratterizzano.KASCO SRL (Italy)
Per RostestVorrei ringraziare Lei e tutto il Mostest per la gentile collaborazione con grande professionalit? e tempestivit? nell Grazie.TREVI BENNE S.p.A. (Italy)
Dear Irina,I would like to thank your entire organization for the kind and excellent cooperation and professionalism and promptness in assisting us to obtain the GOST R Certification that will allow us to better promote our products in Russian FederationContinue reading →EFD Induction (Norway)
Dear Irina,On behalf of EFD Induction a.s., I would like thank you and your company for the successful cooperation in the past year.May I hope that our joint cooperation will be continued in future as we are very pleased withContinue reading →Electronics Engineering
Dear Julia We would like to express our gratitude for your excellent work. Your support and advice have furthered the certification process and have helped us to achieve our goals in time an in a due form. Without any doubtContinue reading →Nexus
We are extremely pleased with quality and professionalism of the service provided by ROSTEST The ROSTEST staff and experts are highly qualified and have great expertise in different aspects of existing GOST certification. We would like to thank the ROSTESTContinue reading →INDEQ OY LTD (Finland)
To the kind attention General Director of ROSTEST company St. Peterburg, 7 2nd Sovetskaya street, Off. 111, Business Centre Senator We would like to thank all the personnel at the certification centre ROSTEST for their collaboration and the high qualityContinue reading →Panasonic Factory Solutions Europe (Germany)
Letter of thanksWith our full respect we would like to thank your Company Promotest for strong and very efficient support while obtaining GOST R Certification for our industrial products to fulfill domestic Russian market requirements. We will be glad toContinue reading →Unival SRL (Italy)
Dear Irina,First of all we want to tell you that speaking about certifications this was the most pleasant experience we have ever had. We appreciated very much your professionalism and all support you gave us. We thank you for yourContinue reading →Janusfabrikken AS (Norway)
Dear Irina! Testimonial Janusfabrikken AS is Norways the largest knitting mill, producing underwear for babies, kids and adults. The company was founded 1895 and is today among the world top 5 producers of wool underwear. Espeland, 6. august 2012 We herebyContinue reading →Bossard France
Reference Letter Bossard France, one of the European leaders in fasteners distribution, is thanking Rostest Company for all the help with the GOST certification. Rostest team has shown themselves a group of professionals who not only do their certification jobContinue reading →Safic-Alcan Nordic AB (Sweden)
Regarding Russian state registration Dear Irina, Our company is very satisfied with your support regarding Russian state registration for chemical products. We’ve had been given very good information and always quick replies. You’ve done a very professional work and itContinue reading →Kramer Electronics Ltd. (Israel)
Subject: Letter of Thanks Gost-R Certification Dear Irina, First of all I would like to tell that in terms of certifying processes this was the most pleasant experience we have ever had. I appreciated very much your professionalism and theContinue reading →BIANCHI RAPIDA ITALIA SRL (Italy)
Dear Irina, We would like to thank you and all your stuff for the very professional work, which you have done with politeness and in the shortest time. It was great experiance and we hope that in the future we canContinue reading →KALAITZIDIS KON. STYLIANOS – KALKO Electric Appliances (Greece)
Dear Irina, I would like to thank you for your help and support during the issuing of the GOST-R certificate. All the information and guidance you gave us were very helpful to understand the certification progress. Beside that I wouldContinue reading →Vogl Deckensysteme GmbH (Germany)
To the kind attention Ms. Irina Son, Russian Certification Center ROSTEST Dear Irina, I would like to thank you and your company team for assisting in obtaining certificates for Russian market. You provide us with actual information, clear guidance andContinue reading →