Since July 1, 2010 the legislation of the Customs Union (CU) of the countries ofBelarus,KazakhstanandRussiademolished essential changes in system of certification of production which is imported into theRussian Federationand let out for realization in its territory.
The list of production demanding certification on the basis of the legislation of the CU, subject to sanitary and epidemiologic supervision on border, contains the Decision of the commission of the CU No. 299 of 28.05.2010. According to them on types of goods which can do serious harm to health of consumers at discrepancy of indicators of safety and their poor quality, it is required to issue the Certificate on the state registration of Rospotrebnadzor. On the considerable list of production it is necessary to receive the Expert opinion on compliance to sanitary requirements of the CU, in the same place — in Rospotrebnadzor.
The commission of the CU introduced into circulation the uniform certificate of conformity for the Union countries. The list of production which is subject to an assessment of compliance to requirements of the legislation of the CU, is established by the commission No. 319 Decision from 18.06.2010г. Now certificates of conformity can be replaced with production of the CU and the declaration on compliance of the CU similar operating in the Union countries with national allowing documents.
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