Certificates for the Russian Customs Office

Certificates for the Russian Customs are accepted to understand registration of allowing documents which are required to be shown at customs inspection on concrete production (if they are for it obligatory under the Russian laws) as customs certification. The following belongs to such documents according to Russian customs regulations:

- Evidence of the state registration of the CU;

- Expert opinion of Rospotrebnadzor;

- Certificate of conformity of system of GOST R (or uniform certificate of conformity of the CU, or evidence of recognition of the certificate);

- The fire certificate on production, received in the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

- Letter of Refusal (Rospotrebnadzor or Ministry of Emergency Situations). The Letter of - Refusal for trade isn't the customs document;

- The ozone conclusion has to be issued on production containing ozone-depleting substances;

- The veterinary certificate on meat, meat and other production of an animal origin;

- The phytosanitary certificate for phytogenesis production.

- In the country from which there is a goods delivery, it is required to issue production Certificate of origin.

Certification for Foreigners

Dynamics of development of the Russian business, also as well as opportunity to receive considerable norm and profit growth for short term, are the most attractive parties of an investment of investments into economy of Russia foreign businessmen. Growth of foreign investments and untwisting of the Russian business can lead to that according to forecasts of experts, will be much more difficult to enter to foreigners the Russian market in five years, than now. Development of this situation will be promoted by entry of theRussian Federationinto the WTO. But nowRussiastill is the most perspective market.

At an entry of foreign businessmen into the Russian market the questions connected with a choice of an organizational and legal form for registration of foreign business in theRussian Federation, partners, consultants for specifics of the Russian business are important. For conducting business isn't sufficient to open office inRussiaor official representation in theRussian Federation, to find business partner inRussia, to organize deliveries to theRussian Federation. Not less important are the questions connected with a choice of a field of activity of future joint venture, and also ensuring its lawful functioning within the Russian legislation.

The entry into the Russian market is often connected with a choice of the field of activity intended for the Russian segment. Quite often foreign businessmen stop on the following types of business: food branch, the packing enterprises, the manufacturing enterprises connected with raw materials, the wood processing enterprises, the perfumery, cosmetic industry. But the organization of some kinds of activity inRussiarequires the special permission to its implementation which is called as the license. The licensing requirement equally extends both on Russian, and on foreign businessmen.

Delivery of various production and the subsequent its realization inRussiademand existence of the documents confirming that the goods meet the requirements of the Russian legislation. (The quality and safety certificates received in the country of the producer, aren't operating inRussia). In the Russian Federation Technical regulations of theRussian Federationor the Russian standards (State standard specifications) need passing of procedure of certification and registration of the certificate of conformity. The certificate in the state system of an assessment of compliance of GOST R has other name — "the certificate Rostest". This fact is connected with that the Rostest company the most authoritative and considerable inRussiathe independent expert in an assessment of compliance to the Russian safety requirements of production.

The importance of the certificates of conformity received on various schemes of an assessment of compliance which are resolved by the Russian legislation, variously. If the assessment of safety and quality of production on each concrete party of delivered goods is made, passing of this procedure is required separately for each sending toRussiaand at the work beginning with other Russian partner.

For the foreign producer the most optimum option is the assessment of compliance to the Russian national requirements of a batch production which will be issued during all action of the Russian certificate of conformity (for a period of 1 year till 5 years). And if the foreign businessman considers necessary to deliver toRussiathe goods through other importer, he won't need to address repeatedly in certification body for passing of procedure of certification of production. In this case to the new importer will be to provide enough to customs authorities the certified copy of earlier received certificate. The quality certificate Rostest admits in all territory of theRussian Federation.

Specialists of the certified center "Rostest" recommend to the foreign clients to pass products certification under laws of theRussian Federationto an exit and the beginning of its deliveries to the Russian market. For different production time for carrying out an assessment of compliance can be various, after all the certificate of conformity — it is far not the only allowing document which is required for delivery of production to the territory of Russia and its lawful realization to the Russian consumers.

On the goods estimated for delivery toRussia, and in certification paperwork certification bodies inMoscowandSt. Petersburgcan render you the most qualified help in definition of the list of allowing documents. The certification center Rostest is ready to provide the real help in registration of certificates practically on any kinds of products.

GOST R — the main certification system in Russia

In Russia there are several mandatory certification and more than a hundred systems, conformity assessment on a voluntary basis, which operate on the basis of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation". One of the most respected national conformity assessment system is the GOST R Certification

State certification of conformity GOST demands for certain types of products required to issue a certificate of conformity GOST R or declaration of conformity for products depending on the type of goods delivered (the list of goods subject to certification is given in the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 982 of 01.12.2009). Equally, this requirement applies to both products of Russian manufacturers, and to the goods delivered from abroad.

Keep in mind that to make a declaration of goods in Russia can only Russian resident in his name. It can be as importer of the product, as well as Russia's representative to whom the contract on the basis of delegated powers by foreign producers. Mandatory certification of food products and certification of clothing and footwear for adults, such as in Russia is needed in the form of a declaration of conformity of the goods.

A certificate for products in the GOST R is also a must for those commodities for which introduced in Russia Technical regulations (number of applicable regulations -16). For each product, the relevant rules contain security requirements permitted forms of conformity assessment procedure for obtaining a certificate or declaration of conformity to technical regulations, conformity assessment schemes permissible.

Equipment certification, certification of vehicles certified vehicles (Euro certification, including the design of Euro 4 - environmental compliance certificate), certification of fire safety, equipment certification, tobacco products, juice, milk and other products requires to confirm compliance with the requirements of relevant technical regulations and to issue a certificate on the technical regulations or conformity declaration technical regulation.

Rostest — Leader of Certification

Rostest - Russian official certification of products and services, certification and testing for the Russian and foreign manufacturers, exporters and distributors. Conformity assessment carried out here the actual characteristics of goods of national standards and state standards, the so-called certification Rostest, resulting certificate of compliance and security declaration for the products. The company has:

qualified specialists in various fields of economic activity, with special knowledge, skills and tolerances (Certificate) to conduct work on conformity assessment in the form of certificates of conformity (Russia) or declarations for compliance; accredited certification bodies, conformity to the requirements of GOST (Russian standards developed under socialism), technical regulations of the Customs Union of Russia and other regulations in many fields and industries; network of regional certification, distributed throughout the country, but with centralized management and unified access to corporate resources, so it is possible to obtain equivalent certificate in Moscow, CA St. Petersburg, the Urals CA, Nizhny Novgorod CA (possible certification Kazan, Yekaterinburg certification , Chelyabinsk certification, certification in Novosibirsk and other cities of the Russian Federation). significant experience working with foreign manufacturers in various fields of industrial activity, and foreign importers, distributors All of this has enabled the center of examination and certification in the RF gain unutterable authority in Russia. In Russia, the "certificate Rostest" guarantee not only good-quality independent trials, but actual security center Rostest certified products.

Certificate of Conformity to Technical Regulation

Certificate of Conformity to Technical RegulationThis type of certificate is gradually replacing GOST R Conformity Certificates for many products. Certificate of Conformity to Technical Regulations is mandatory for importing toRussiamachinery, gas equipment, milk, cheese, oil, tyres, cycle, bike etc.

GOST R Conformity Declaration

GOST R Conformity Declaration

It is a type of certificate that confirms safety of product. Declaration of Conformity is a pre-requisite for products being placed on the Russian market and is required for customs clearance.

VNIIS Exemption Letter

Letter of Refusal (Clarification of accredited agency)

Exemption Letter confirms that the exported or sold product is not a subject to the mandatory GOST R certificate in Russia. Exemption Letters are required in case of ambiguous product coding due to discrepancy between the Russian Product Classification (OKP) and the Foreign Trade Classifications (HS/HTS code). This permissive document may be requested by Russian customs authorities and other supervisory bodies.

Customs Union Certificate of State Registration

Customs Union Certificate of State Registration

Customs Union State Registration Certificate confirms that the product was entered in the State Register and is compliant with hygienic and sanitary standards. List of goods which is subject to state registration: mineral water, specialty food products, baby food, food additives, flavorings, cosmetic products, chemical goods, etc.

Fire Safety Certificate

Fire Safety Certificate

One of the most necessary certificates for manufacturers and importers is a Fire Safety Certificate. This homologation procedure is carried out to prove that product conforms to the fire safety requirements of Russia. Very often this document together with Sanitary Certificate are a base to obtain GOST-R conformity certificate.

Hygienic Conclusion

Hygienic Conclusion

This document ensures that your products meet all sanitary and epidemiological requirements of Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

You should pass the hygiene certification and obtain Sanitary Conlusion in order to import your products into Russia.

Permissive Document of Customs Union EurAsEC

Permissive Document of Customs Union EurAsEC - this document ensures that your products meet all sanitary and epidemiological requirements of Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) Customs Union.

Rostechnadzor (RTN) Permit

Rostechnadzor (RTN) Permit

This Authorised Permission Cerificate from Rostechnadzor entitles to install and use industrial environment  on the territory of Russian Federation.


Gost-r conformity certificate

GOST R Conformity Certificate

It  is a one of the main documents  for passing customs. It is a Certificate which confirms that the product answers the requirements of quality and safety by valid Russian standards and norms. Russian GOST-R Certificate of Conformity is essential to make it  possible for the product to pass customs clearance, to enter into the Russian market and to be sold inRussia.